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SCHOLARSHIP AWARD CEREMONY FROM Christina noble children’s foundation AND HUFO

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“Children are the future of the community and the nation. If we have timely support for them, it will be a great source of motivation for the young and their family.”

This is an excerpt from a speech given at the #scholarship_award_ceremony held on Saturday morning (06/06/2020) at The Little Rose shelter. The organizers and attendees for this event were pleased to be joined by Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Diem – Vice president of HCMC Union of Friendship Organizations (HUFO), Ms. Helen Christina Pistolas –Representative of Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF) and Ms. Mai Thi Hoa – Vice president of HCMC Child Welfare Association (HCWA).

At this event, HUFO and CNCF donated 30,000,000 VND together with cakes, and masks to 30 students. The beneficiaries were students from impoverished families or those who have unfortunately had to stop working and cannot generate income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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