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On May 14, Hội Bảo trợ trẻ em TP.HCM – HCMC Child Welfare Association successfully organized a fundraising music festival with many stalls including games, clothes from Wildfrika, reiki by Wings of Re, tarot reading and sound healing by Mindful Younglove, handmade scented candles from candlesbycolehcmc, handmade soaps from Saigon Suds, handmade accessories and earring making workshop by JuBo handicrafts, and sweet cookies from Little Rose Bakery.
We cannot express enough how grateful we are to all involved, Indika Saigon, Ơi Blin Saigon, Sibafood Miền Nam, performers Matthew Wallace , Annie Pham, Clive Fitzroy Pendock, Merith Fulton, Charles Le, Yushka, Benny Buttons, and Robson JR), our amazing sponsors Santorino coffee & veggies, Saigon Cider, Crystals Macrame, Dawn & Morning, Ori Tahiti Smile – Múa Tahiti, RADA Vietnam, Keziah Danielle Creative Studio, Bubbles – Handcrafted Soap, masqd_, BatigBrows and April Miller, all the stall and workshop hosts, volunteer workers, and the rest of you! Moreover, thanks to our efforts, many many poor and vulnerable children in HCMC will receive the support they need.
We wish you good health and hope to always receive your enthusiastic support in our next fundraisers!! THANK YOU

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